Investment Pool Enhancements

Enhanced Investment Pool Offerings


Foundation For The Carolinas and our investment consultant, Mercer, are excited to announce enhancements to our investment platform, which went into effect June 1, 2018.

To best position your portfolio for sustained future giving, our Investment Committee incorporated private equity and other long-term investments into our long-term pool. The newly enhanced Diversified Long-Term Growth pool is available to both non-endowed and endowed funds.

The nature of these additional asset classes affects the liquidity of your funds. As a result, non-endowed funds invested in the Diversified Long-Term Growth pool are subject to liquidity restrictions if you request more than 80% of the fund balance. In those cases, funds are available on the following schedule:

Fund Balance Liquidation Terms
< $1 million Funds will be available for distribution 90 days after request
$1 - 5 million First 80% will be available immediately. Balance will be available for distribution 1 year after request
> $5 million Contact relationship manager


Pool Name Changes

In addition to the enhancements noted above, we have renamed the Passive Diversified Growth and Moderate Growth pools to more accurately describe the investment philosophies. They are now named Passive Long-Term Growth and Active Long-Term Growth.

Anticipated Distribution Horizon

anticipated distribution chart

You can view your fund's current investment strategy on your most recent fund statement. The new pool names will appear on your June statement, which will be available at the end of July.

For questions, please contact Greg Beuris at or 704.973.4522.



Vice President & Director,

Investment Reporting

Email Greg
