Cabarrus County Community Foundation Grants
Cabarrus CouNty Community Foundation
2023 Total Grants: $64,750
$4,000 to Academic Learning Center to continue to provide before and after school tutoring to students attending Title I schools in Cabarrus County.
$2,000 to AYA House to continue to provide reentry and transitional housing services in Cabarrus County.
$4,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Carolinas to support the one-on-one mentoring program in Cabarrus County.
$5,000 to Cabarrus Meals on Wheels to purchase holiday and inclement weather shelf-stable meals for Cabarrus County seniors.
$2,750 to Church of the Brethren Concord Fellowship to help the Living Faith Food Pantry provide perishable food items to food pantry guests.
$2,000 to Classroom Central to support the distribution of school supplies to students and teachers in Kannapolis City Schools.
$4,750 to Coltrane LIFE Center to continue to provide adult day health care services with health care, monitoring, support and supervision for seniors and adults with disabilities.
$5,000 to Community Free Clinic to help purchase medications and supplies to continue to provide healthcare services to uninsured individuals in Cabarrus County.
$2,500 to Diaper Bank of North Carolina to distribute free diapers and diapering supplies to low-income individuals and families in Cabarrus County.
$2,500 to Elder Orphan Care to support the Safe and Loved at Home Program, which provides seniors with no-cost home assessments to determine their needs to age safely in place in their homes.
$3,500 to Girl Scouts, Hornet’s Nest Council to support the Girl Scouts Leadership Experience in Cabarrus County.
$5,000 to Habitat for Humanity Cabarrus County to support the Critical Home Repair Program in Cabarrus County.
$6,000 to Junior Charity League of Concord to support The Mariam C. Schramm Clothing Room, which provides clothing, shoes and toiletries to Cabarrus County students facing hardship.
$1,000 to Lifeline Christian Mission to host meal-pack volunteer events for Cabarrus County youth.
$3,750 for Opportunity House to support the day shelter program for individuals experiencing homelessness in Cabarrus County.
$3,000 to Present Age Ministries to support For The One, a program that provides comprehensive case management services to underage victims of sex trafficking.
$2,000 to Veterans Bridge Home to host community events to connect veterans in Cabarrus County with services to meet their needs.
$2,500 to Walking in the Harvest to support Operation Breadbasket, which provides emergency food and resources to the Logan community and Cabarrus County residents.
$3,500 to Wings of Eagles Ranch to install musical elements and equipment on the ranch’s playground.