Professional Advisor Spotlight

Q & A With Andrea Chomakos

Andrea Chomakos portrait

Andrea Chomakos, partner at McGuireWoods, is a valuable FFTC partner. As a professional advisor, she encourages clients to consider innovative, efficient ways to incorporate charitable giving in their current and long-term planning.


1. Describe your relationship with Foundation For The Carolinas.  

I’ve been working with Foundation For The Carolinas since I first came to Charlotte in 2001. Through the years I’ve had clients establish donor advised funds and endowments with FFTC. I have also served on the cabinet of professional advisors. Most recently I became a member of the Robinson Center for Civic Leadership.


2. What value does your partnership with FFTC bring to your clients?

For me it is knowing and trusting that my clients will be receiving excellent and professional service.  When clients talk about their charitable intentions, we often discuss their options – private foundation, direct gift and, inevitably, donor advised funds.  While other providers offer donor advised funds, I know FFTC will provide a personal relationship to address their philanthropic goals.


3. How do you encourage clients to consider giving as a part of their overall estate plans?

I often suggest a charitable gift as part of their estate plan. They can establish a fund that is flexible, that their family can participate in and that can perpetuate charitable giving for generations. It is a win-win when coupled with the estate tax savings.


4. What would you share with colleagues who haven’t yet partnered with FFTC?

I would encourage others to consider FFTC since they provide a broad array of services and are more flexible in accommodating donor intentions and gift planning than other “institutionalized” funds. For example, FFTC takes real estate and closely held business interests, which many other community foundations do not.  FFTC funds can have customized investment strategies, which is unique.  Finally, the staff at FFTC can help a family structure their charitable giving to build a legacy for the family and our communities.

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